So Shall it be Written, So Shall it be Done

Ye olde schedule for the August 16th LARP has been decreed as follows: (9:30 a.m. Adult helpers start arriving) 11:30 – 12:00ish worship (Costumes are acceptable, but this is not part of the game.  This will be real, outdoor worship of our creator.) 12:30 – 5:00ish Game on!  Act out your story in Fallton.  (Stay tuned for signups for new, never-been-done, special events!) 5:00 – 5:30ish  Awards. 6:00ish – Indoors to look at the day’s …

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Your journey toward the LARP side

Thanks to everyone whose enthusiasm for Torch Light LARP makes this all so fun! And thanks to you all who are now receiving their updates through emails from this website. One quick favor: If you are a subscriber to this site, comment on this post so that we know you are properly getting the emails.  Something brief, something witty, something complimentary, or something terribly medieval. You can do this by clicking on “leave a comment” …

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Prepare Thyself – August 16th Is Coming

Fear not, the next LARP approaches…Sunday, August 16th it will be. Certain adult helper scheduling issues drove us to this most unusual Sunday date,  but we will not forget the One Who Makes Us Able to LARP. More plans to be announced in the weeks to come, but for now… Mark Your Calendar for August 16th!