Rachael’s Random Encounter

After losing my short sword last night in a battle with a madman and my cousin, Falton’s only werewolf, I left early to search for it.  While I did not find my sword, I did find quite a bit of sliver and a few bits of cloth, at least I could get some money for that.  As I turned to head back to Falton, I pulled my breakfast, a small chocolate cake, out of my …

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Of Scottish Wonder

CHORUS Do tell, do tell Of Scottish wonder And the Roamans they defeat They brandish blades and strength of will And peace they do entreat VERSE With tartan cloth affixed to kilt They’ll make sure enemy blood is spilt But fear thee not Their hearts are true Just as their faces blue CHORUS Do tell, do tell Of Scottish wonder And the Roamans they defeat They brandish blades and strength of will And peace they …

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Goblin Ambush

A tale by Sir Williams We knew the goblins were coming, we just didn’t know when. My men and I were on the outskirts of town when it happened. I caught the motion out of the corner of my eyes, turning I heard someone shout, “They are coming! The goblins are coming!” Drawing my sword I yelled, “To arms, to arms! We are under attack!” I readied myself.  I could see the creatures, lurching through …

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