A Note from Stryder (Then the real characters have their say below): I am so looking forward to kicking off the 2017 season of LARP!  As noted, this first event will be a Falton Festival.  How is that different from a regular LARP (whatever regular means)?  This will be a series of events, competitions, dances and games.  The whole day will be like a combination of the festivals that we have when Quest Shawn Mark sounds …

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Salty Broth Inn Grand Opening

What have you done for Falton lately? Yesterday, Stryder built “furniture” for the Salty Broth Inn.  This is the newest addition to our humble town.  Please drop by soon to share a tale, to plan a deed, or to hire some help.  What’s said at the Salty Broth Inn, stays at the Salty Broth Inn!  If things go right, we’ll even be serving our special, YANHDLI Brew pronounced “Yan-Handle”.  It stands for “You Ain’t Never …

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A Finely Aged Photo Gallery

Carefully curated and uploaded to perfection, the pictures from the July 2016 LARP, accomplished under the oppressive hand of Roaman Rule are now available in Ye Olde Gallery. Huzzah!