It was a dark and stormy night… No, I mean a SERIOUSLY stormy night…
When, Davey Rocket addressed the gathering with,
“This negotiation/mediation/arbitration has been called to come to a fair and equitable solution to our use, sale and preservation of fogerite.
As you know, the economy of our small planet is heavily dependent on the sale of fogerite. Also, it is a primary food source for the rare and interesting creatures that live on our planet, which adds to our economy through tourism. As well, fogerite is the sole material which stabilizes the atmosphere of our planet and moderates our winds to generally manageable speeds slightly less than those of an Earth typhoon.
We thank the leadership of the Magnum Corporation for attending this meeting and representing the benefits we receive from the sale of fogerite.
We thank the leadership of the One-Shot Adventures Company for representing the sustainable harvest of the indigenous animals.
We thank the leadership of the Fogarite Conservation Society for representing the environmental concerns of our planet.
Now, let’s get down to business.”
What will come of our small, lonely planet’s most precious resource? What do these leaders have up their sleeves? Why can’t we believe what they say? Who is right? Who will you side with? Well — you’ll have to figure all that out!
Stay tuned for more info on the Steampunk PIRATE Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre…
Awesome! Signeth me up!
Thou art signed!
Harvest of animals ?!?!? I’m incensed!!! Tell me more! ?
I’ll be glad to! But (in whispered tones) perhaps we should huddle in the corner for a more private conversation…