Port Judas’ Sea Shanty

Port Judas Makes Merry

Click below to download the Port Judas Sea Shanty (The one the Governor’s daughter hates!). Everyone will be singing this on Saturday.

>>> SeaShanty <<<

Well, a lad had a girl but not a shilling to spare,

Heave, ho, and away we go

So he said he’d go to sea and make his fortune there.

Heave, ho, and away we go

Said, “We can’t be wed till our coffers are full,

Heave, ho, and away we go

And I won’t come back till we’re swimmin’ in gold.”

Heave, ho, and away we go

So he set out to sea, left his girl alone,

Heave, ho, and away we go

And he took what the Sea had claimed as its own.

Heave, ho, and away we go

Every pearl and gem, every coin and key,

Heave, ho, and away we go

And as the waves screamed rage, he stole the Heart of the Sea.

Heave, ho, and away we go

But the lad never guessed that for his fortune he’d pay,

Heave, ho, and away we go

For the Sea takes back what is taken away.

Heave, ho, and away we go

When he got back home with his riches, he found

Heave, ho, and away we go

That in a terrible storm had his bonny lass drowned.

Heave, ho, and away we go

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