Did You Experience That!?!

This was a day of fun, friendships, and storytelling.  No invading trolls, no War Boys, no discord with Roam (except for signage propaganda…). We enjoyed campfires, and soup, and soup, and soup, and a mountain of snacks. At lunch we were entertained by storytelling of the oddest fashion.  And we enjoyed a fashion show where we were given the insider secrets to Thrift Stores and the produce of the great Amazon forest, where you can …

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Oh for a Nickle for Every Time I’ve Written This…

LARP is ON!  Weather can’t stop life in Falton!!  Please join us tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.!!! There is one change — more due to a ridiculous work load this week, but partially due to the weather — there will be no archery competition included in the Warrior Training.  We’ll save that for May. I look forward to sharing some YANHDLI (pronounced “Yan-Handle”) with you, which is brewing at the Salty Broth Inn as we speak… Stryder …

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Get Your Character On!

10:00 a.m.  Game On!  Characters come alive!  When you arrive, check in with the census takers, form teams, and begin the Warrior Training Competition. At the end of the day, there will be Mob Rootball!  As you may know, this “game” was first played between Guilder and Westar in the year of 906.  It was used to settle a dispute between King Verimeer of Guilder and Empress Charlena of Westar over the boundary along their southern border.  …

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A Note from Stryder (Then the real characters have their say below): I am so looking forward to kicking off the 2017 season of LARP!  As noted, this first event will be a Falton Festival.  How is that different from a regular LARP (whatever regular means)?  This will be a series of events, competitions, dances and games.  The whole day will be like a combination of the festivals that we have when Quest Shawn Mark sounds …

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Salty Broth Inn Grand Opening

What have you done for Falton lately? Yesterday, Stryder built “furniture” for the Salty Broth Inn.  This is the newest addition to our humble town.  Please drop by soon to share a tale, to plan a deed, or to hire some help.  What’s said at the Salty Broth Inn, stays at the Salty Broth Inn!  If things go right, we’ll even be serving our special, YANHDLI Brew pronounced “Yan-Handle”.  It stands for “You Ain’t Never …

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A Finely Aged Photo Gallery

Carefully curated and uploaded to perfection, the pictures from the July 2016 LARP, accomplished under the oppressive hand of Roaman Rule are now available in Ye Olde Gallery. Huzzah!

It’s sooner than you think, but not soon enough.

60 degrees in January — we should be LARPING!!! Captain John Sterling Beauregard got some new weapons for his birthday, so we dressed for some pictures today and of course enjoyed a little combat.  Hopefully Christmas, birthdays, and perhaps a personal hobby have added to your LARP gear. About the census…  like I wrote in my comments, last year we made a push to upgrade our costumes, and everyone did a WONDERFUL job! For the …

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An Imperial Decree

“As the conquered territories of the Holy Roaman Empire have increased, it has become necessary, for purposes of taxation and military strategy, to conduct a census of the entire Empire. Stations will be established in every major city, including the recently acquired cities of Konstantonoble, Mosscow, Lundun, Gonedoor, and Falton. All peoples in the empire, both indigenous and citizens, are required to travel to the nearest city to be counted upon the 18th of March. …

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Come, Please Join Us In 2017

Since you are asking for LARP gear this Christmas (right!?!), we thought you’d like to know when you’ll get to use all your new goodies, so here’s the plan for next year… We’ll have two of the normal LARP’s, and two “Falton Festivals”. What, you ask, is a Falton Festival?  Why it is only the greatest shindig this side of the Misty Mountains!  It will share many similarities with the LARP town festivals that we …

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Ohio Renaissance Festival

The Ohio Renaissance Festival is going on for the next three weekends (Oct 8, 15, 22).  Those who enjoy LARP may enjoy this Festival as well.  For information, you can visit  http://www.renfestival.com/ The Good:  The costumes will be inspirational.  Some of the shows are very entertaining.  The handcrafts and wares for sale are beautiful.  It is a fun setting to show off a LARP costume. The Bad:  While it is geared toward families, this is attended …

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