Dr. Ricktophen continued yelling in unison with the crowd, “Since the mining began, the winds average speed has increased from 95 to 100 miles per hour!” This statement was emphasized with a shake of his fist toward the sky.
This was quickly becoming a free-for-all as the Magnum Corporation employees and supporters began returning the jeers, and booing Dr. Ricktophen. They too where shaking their fists, but not toward the sky.
Inspired by the commotion, the Doctor yelled even more loudly, “If the mining continues…”, she paused then repeated herself emphasizing every word, “IF… THE… MINING… CONTINUES… the winds will become so fierce…”, and now for the crescendo, “They will BLOW THIS PLANET OUT OF ITS OWN ORBIT !!!”
Uncharacteristically, this time the thunder itself was drowned out by the roar of the people.