Division and Unification





It has been so long, I’m not sure anyone cares… but what happened at the last LARP?

The day began with a town meeting in which we heard a speech from our Roaman Imperator, Dimitri.  He invited us to enjoy the new improvements Roam had brought to the town.  Falton Tower had been reinforced to become a substantial fortification.  There was now a coliseum built on the hillside, and flowing water had been piped to Falton.  Each of these improvements were received with a round of cheer.

Then Olaf the Merchant brought a passel of bad news.  First, he announced that Roam had revoked all Titles of Nobility.  He then warned us that there had been sightings of people going temporarily crazy.  He encouraged us to be on the lookout so we could identify the cause of this oddity.  Also, Olaf, and Hazel the Witch announced that the Power Stone was missing, and the regenerative powers of their potions were in short supply.  Because of this, Health and Revive potions were having to be sold for two and three times the normal prices.  Fortunately, a remedy was quickly set in order for this last bit of news, when a band of female adventures took it upon themselves to right this situation and went in search of the precious Power Stone.

Ainsley the Banker then invited the entire town, Roaman and Faltonian alike, to a Bank-uet.  It was her desire to bring peace to the land, and to have the bank reinstated so that Faltonian’s could once again access their money.

Somewhere during the town meeting, an old coot took the stand and muttered words of woe and destruction.  Turned out, he was right…

Following the town meeting, we enjoyed a dance under the stars (though the sparkles of the stars were washed out by the brightness of the sun).

Throughout the day there were treasures found, as often happens in our bountiful land.  A caravan transported gold and merchandise between Falton and New Falton, with an occasional skirmish along the way.  In all though,  trade between the towns was prosperous.

Also of import, we had a traveling blacksmith set up shop for the day.  He provided much-needed repairs to both plowshares and swords.  The poundings on the anvil were the sound of progress ringing across the land.  In addition to plying his trade,  he was generous with his knowledge and allowed others to watch and participate as they desired.

Throughout the day, there were indeed episodes where otherwise upstanding citizens were inflicted by a temporary ailment that caused them to go stark-raving mad.  At times simply doing the oddest things, and at other times going on a rampage with their weapons.  We are still collecting the information from these stories in an effort to find the cause.

The highlight of the restful part of the day was the Bank-uet.  We feasted on tube-steaks-gone-good, and other delights, as we watched politics play out before our very eyes.  Ainsley did a wonderful job of surfacing issues between the Woodren Trading Company, New Falton, and the Roaman occupation, and the seizing of the bank funds.  She helped maintain a peaceful and progressive tone to a conversation that could have easily turned into people talking with their swords.

There were a few events that nearly tipped the scales in favor of mayhem.  At one point during the feast, Fat Mike (well-known town loaf and trouble-maker), threw a dinner roll at the bank-uet table.  This started a barrage of carbohydrate-based missiles sailing between the esteemed guests and the townspeople.  In the end, Fat Mike was seen collecting the dozens of dinner rolls from the ground and stuffing them in his satchel for meals later in the week.  Mike might be trouble, but he’s not dumb.

Then, there was a point of outrage that had the whole event teetering on the edge of sanity.  I didn’t hear the words that were exchanged, but the result was that Dimitri threw a glass of wine on Captain John Sterling Beauregard.  Much to the amusement of the attendees, this quickly escalated into a duel in the coliseum, before the bank-uet table and the townspeople!  It was a good fight with strong blows exchanged in both directions and in the end both men shook hands feeling their grievances had been aired and their honor maintained.

The final turning of the table, so to speak, prior to the arrival of bad news (but more on that later), was when Dimitri, the Imperator agreed to possibly return the Faltonian’s money – –  as a wager.  If New Falton could produce a champion who could beat Roam’s champion, the bank would be reinstated and all money returned.  Roam’s champion was a might warrior named Ike.  He was a dark figure possessing both speed and power,  who had been trained in the art of war since childhood.  The search for a Faltonian representative identified Clarkston as a worthy opponent.  His speed with a sword is legendary in our land, and his heart is for Falton.  As with the earlier duel, this battle played in the coliseum for all to see.   The length of the fight proved they were worthy opponents.  One side’s champion would gain some headway, only to be met by a resurrected strength which would then drive the original aggressor into submission for a moment until their will-power and tactics would once again turn the table.  This continued for what seemed like hours, as everyone, Roaman and Faltonian alike, were on the edge of their seat cheering for their champion.  In the end, Clarkston struck the final blow.  The Faltonian’s lept to their feet in joy, and the Imperator placed his head in his hands as he saw in his mind the quantity of gold that had just slipped through his fingers.

In celebration for her service to the town, and her success with the negotiations during the bank-uet, the town celebrated Ainsley’s 29th birthday, complete with cake and candles.  For being a Gypsie, she is a credit to her people and our town.

As the bank-uet was wrapping up, the highlight of the non-restful part of the day began to unfold when a messenger brought confirmation of news that had been rumored, that there was a plague heading our way, and the Grim Reaper was just outside our city!  This was just as the old coot had prophesied.  Roamans and Faltonians stood together as one to fight this menace.  As had been reported, just outside of town was a giant figure cloaked in black and wielding a scythe so large that no mortal could wield it.  This was a long battle, for the minions of the Grim Reaper, once cut down, would reanimate and return to the battle in waves to continue protecting their leader.  Furthermore, the Grim Reaper himself was nearly immune to blows from swords, arrows and axes.  Nonetheless, as is the way of Faltonians (and Roamans), when a menace to their land presents itselft, it is met head-on for as long as necessary till the tide is turned.    When in the end the Grim Reaper fell, his essence appeared to vaporize as smoke, leaving only his cloak and scythe.  Perhaps he met his demise,  though perhaps he lurks nearby unseen,  and will return at a later date and bring more havoc.

The day ended with tournaments and dancing as the town celebrated friendship, gold, full stomaches, success and…  A NEW KING — King Arik!  The capstone of the celebration was the return of Sybelle, Nintia, and their band of female adventurers who presented the town with the missing Power Stone!

Things are often slow in Falton over the winter; a time for rest and reflection.   But since history is the best predictor of the future,  spring may be expected to hold excitement galore as we continue to reconcile this occupation by Roam.  See you next year!!!



Following the LARP, the stage/coliseum/cathedral was christened by musical performances from our own LARP participants, and a wonderful presentation by One Time Blind.  A delightful evening was enjoyed by all.

If you are hosting an event that would benefit from an amphitheater, feel free to use ours!

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