Friends of the Realm, the Forest, and the Town,
We could plan better, and could therefore make it more fun for you, if we knew how many to plan for at the next LARP. Please let me know if you intend to join us and who you plan to bring. Please leave a comment below with your LARP name and how many will be with you. If you let me know by Wednesday, Aug 12, you will receive an additional 100 gold pieces when you show up!
NOTE: Some of you have already let me know of your intent to attend. I thank you very much for this, and I ask you to let me know again after you read this. It will help me keep track of things and make sure you get the money you are owed.
Sign-ups for special events start tomorrow! Watch for the email and website post!
Both Sanders boys attending.
I should be coming! 😀 Along with my brother David!
I will be there! Along with the two Hollenbeck sisters, Erin and Julia.
I will be there. Jason G., aka Dimitri.
I shall be attending. Please place 100 gp in the “Rogue Element” account.
Calvin will be there. Mom will be observing. Can we bring guests to observe? We have a family of four interested as well
Any friend of yours is a friend of ours. Please invite them and let us know how many will be joining the festivities.
Evvie Forgin shall attend this LARP. She’s a new character, so I’m excited!
I am eager to make her acquaintance!
I’m still coming, if that wasn’t already abundantly clear
Planning on being there! I’m bringing one – Sarah K. Mom will hopefully be there for at least part of the time – with her camera, of course! 🙂 Can’t wait!
I will be there to welcome all who come for the games of the day.
I shall be there, as will my brother and at least 1 adult. Beyond that, I’m not sure.
Four will be attending including myself.
Unfortunately, only 2 of us will be able to attend.
The Neumann family: 4 plus possibly one guest. Melinda will not be there till afternoon.
Us 3 will be there! With bells on! (metaphorically, of course)
3 Van Zandts will be there, 2 participating and 1 helping with the tavern
I will be there! Travis G. — AKA Papa G. — AKA Stryder — AKA Thorkyn Gain
Count me in! Travis G. aka Papa G. aka Stryder aka Thorkyn Gain
I won’t actually be there twice. I’m just not too good with this technology stuff…