Skills Cards define you exceptional abilities. Each card has one use. Each faction leader will get 20-30 cards to distribute to their members. The skills will be somewhat relevant to your faction.
After a card is played, at your earliest convenience, put the card in the container under Everything. (“Everything” is the clock near the front door with the red lights coming out of it.) Each skills card has an associated card that cancels it.
Pick Pocket (Tell a Story Master what you are trying to pilfer off someone (e.g. Weapon or credits or R-40) and the Story Master will get that item for you up to a maximum of 200 credits.) | Detect Pick Pocket (Cancels the Pick Pocket card and lets you know who just tried to pick your pocket.*) |
Search for Item (Allows holder to search another person for Weapon or Credits or R-40 or other items. You don’t get to take it, but it lets you know what they have.) | Hid Real Well (Cancels the Search for Item card. Play this and you don’t have to show anything that you have when the Search for Item card is played against you.) |
Poison (Play this card, on the honor system, when you get a drink or snack or freshen a beverage for someone. If they eat/drink it, they are poisoned and subdued.) | Detect Poison (Play this card before you eat or drink something that someone else got for you and they must admit if it was poisoned.*) |
Stab (Give this to a Story Master and they will deliver the message that your intended victim has just been stabbed in the back and they must fall to the ground subdued.) | Body Armor (Cancels the Stab card and lets you know who just tried to stab you.*) |
Mind Control (Make someone perform an action for you.) | Defiance (Cancels the Mind Control card.) |
Forge Credits (Lets you write IOUs for up to 500 more credits than you actually have.) | Detect Forgery (If played, and the IOU you have been given is a forgery, the issuer must admit to you that it is a forgery and of no value.*) |
Charm (Person has to tell you a secret.) | Tight Lips (Cancels the Charm card.) |
Win Argument (When this card is played, the opponent must stop mid-sentence and say something like, “I never thought of it that way. I guess you are right.” and the argument ends.) | Better Debater (Cancels the Win Argument card.) |
Sure Shot (Subdue someone without a chance of missing your target) | Dodge (If you’ve been shot, it makes it just a flesh wound, or it cancels the Sure Shot.) |
* If you play a card that lets you detect someone perpetrating a foul action against you, you can respond to that person any way you’d like. You can forgive them. You can call the Lawmen and demand their arrest. You can make a scene so everyone knows what this person just tried to do. You can shoot them (may or may not be legal consequences). Play it however the two of you would like to play it.
Special Skills — Some people may have special skills that will come into play at times. They’ll let you know if this happens. One such special skill is “Rage”. This makes a person invincible for a defined period of time.