Who Are You?

Don’t let “Pirate” pigeon-hole your thinking.  May 18 is about the island town of Port Falton and the waterfront community of Port Judas.  Here are some character suggestions that would bring this town to life. Who will you be? Please let me know at [email protected].

  • Privateer
  • Seaman
  • Pirate
  • Fisherman
  • Dock Hand
  • Royal Naval Officer
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Towns-person (Jeweler, Milliner, Armorer, Sail-maker, Shop Keeper, Reverend)
  • Tax Collector
  • Bobbies (Police)
  • Travelers

If you like to read, here are some thoughts on what you might consider if you want to play one of these characters:

Naval Officer

Probably loyal to the Crown. The Naval Officer is a symbol that, no matter how far Port Judas may be from England, the British Empire’s arm can still reach them. Though they likely have very few friends in a hive of scum and villainy like Port Judas, they remain largely untouchable. A dead Naval Officer would result in a crackdown on the Port or an influx of even more officers. Though there could be corrupted officers, most will probably be anti-pirate, and do anything in their power to report back to England about the crimes they witness, or even send them captured pirates for trial and execution.

Types of abilities: Could offer Letters of Marque, could place bounties, could offer Royal Pardons


A seaman or former pirate that has been sanctioned by the Crown for ‘legal piracy.’ They may attack ships that belong to the enemies of the government that enlists them. (e.g., in the service of Britain, this would include Spanish and French ships) A pirate may become a privateer by receiving a Letter of Marque signed by the king (BYO Letter). This could be the ideal setup for a pirate who is sick of running from the law, but wants to continue the business – albeit legally.

Types of abilities: The could be absolved of seemingly illegal behavior

Seaman/Fisherman//Dock Hand

Have a love for the sea.  Make their living off the sea.  They could have pirating tendencies or law-abiding tendencies. They could be smugglers or simply traders for the Crown. Likely, they would interact with all the different classes in Port Judas, but would probably have an individual agenda of their own.

Types of abilities: Up for individual interpretation


A non-seafaring individual that lives in Port Falton. Perhaps a waitress, servant, heiress, plantation owner, or the family member of a sailor. Their allegiance and interests can lie anywhere.

Types of abilities: The possibilities are endless!


A sailor that engages in illicit activities such as raiding ships, smuggling stolen goods, and even killing. Wanted by the Crown and facing danger at every turn. Loyalties can be to themselves, their community, or their crew. Motivations can vary from a desire to be rich, a quest for revenge, or even hope for a Royal Pardon or Letter of Marque. Captains will often be looking for new crew in the form of Seamen or other Pirates that are not a part of any specific crew, since help is always in short supply in such dangerous. Depending of the size of their ship and crew, a Pirate can hold a great deal of power in the Port.










Types of abilities: Cool hats

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunters are generally motivated by a desire for money. They may work for the Crown or other powers by hunting individuals with bounties on their heads: i.e., pirates. They can blend into the crowd in Port Judas and receive bounties from Naval Officers for capturing or turning in pirates and other criminals.

Types of abilities: Collecting bounties

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