Working the Crowd?


I overheard a conversation. 

“Why are we here?” 

“Is that a drink in your hand?” another responded.


“Then I guess you got your answer.”

Apparently somewhat exhausted by the exchange, this in-depth conversation was followed by silence.  Pirates don’t really like to talk that much. 

I too wonder though, why are they here?  They are welcome enough, but normally they prefer the privacy of their ship to these town gatherings.  I wonder what is different about tonight. 

I’m studying the Pirate Captain for example.  If she were a more civilized woman, I would say she was “working the crowd”.  She’s greeting everyone who passes her way, and is even seeking out some of the key players in this evening’s gathering.  Does she have an angle?  Or, does she simply want to make sure that if there’s any shipping to be done, be it person or thing or substance, they are shipped using the pirate’s services? 

I don’t know why she would need to advertise.  What choice do we have?  No “respectable” shipping company dares service Halcyon.  These outer planets don’t often enjoy the cover of police nor military protection.  So there are many regions of “disreputables” that a shipping service must pass through on the route from Halcyon to Earth.  Only the Pirates seem well-endowed, well-connected, well-armed, or well… down-right-stupid enough to risk it.  Whatever they have going for them, we’re thankful for it.  Without them, it would sure be another fine day of misery, eh?

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